Time Get Clear

(The audio above this text section is what's written below for those who don't like to read) :)

To view the video I am referencing in the audio above, and in this section, click here.

So many people are speaking about purpose, vision, goals, etc it seems trendy. It may cause some to think you can skip it, but that's the last thing you want to do.

In order to receive exponential growth you must be aligned spiritually. Your vision and business must align, or it will always be at odds. If you are still confused about this topic watch Simon explain it. I love how simple he made it.

It took me a longggg time to get realize how important this was to my successes.
You may find that you have to revise and revisit some things as you journal.
So don't beat yourself up if you find things changing, or ideas floating around.

This is what is supposed to happen.
You are on life's journey. It's discovery. Some may find that it's time to rewrite the purpose.
Others may find that they are right on track.

Just be sure that you are CLEAR.

Don't spend a year here. Write out what your heart directs, and you can revise during the weeks if you learn more about yourself and need to adjust.

Here is some great support to go along with Simon's video that should help you get clear.

Let's get started!

Watch this video up until minute 4:10. Pause the video. Rewind. Watch that small part again and stop at minute 4:10.

He said what if apple had've said , "We make great computers they are beautifully designed simple to use and user friendly wanna buy one?"

Pretty basic and boring.

Does this sound like your business?

Be honest. Are you walking up to people saying

"I'm a hair stylist wanna book with me?" (ouch lol)
"I'm a wellness coach, wanna free strategy call?"

If this is what you are doing and no one is really interested...that's why!!

People don't buy what you do...they buy WHY you do it. You will keep people when you master this!

Now go back to the video and watch from the beginning all the way up until 4:44 minute mark and then pause it and come back here.

Let's discuss

Look at the difference of these two sentences from the Apple example Simon used!!

Example 1 was

"We make great computers they are beautifully designed simple to use and user friendly wanna buy one?"
That's basic...not exciting

but when he started with there WHY the power and impact hit your stomach!

"Everything we do we believe in challenging the status quo...we believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user friendly...we just happen to make great computers. Wanna buy one?


My clients wait for me when there are hair salons on every block because they buy me, my beliefs, and values.

You guys really do business with me because of the way I show you what I believe in online daily!

So now -

Start the video over watch it and stop it at 4:44 minute mark

Journal and figure out WHY you are in the business you're in by starting from WHY then move to the HOW then move to the WHAT!! What do you believe about your client? profession? industry? That should lead everything you do.

Doesn't have to be crying deep...but something happened to you that made you say... "I'm going to do this"

No matter what you choose to do in this beauty industry, I believe
everyone can make a minimum of 6 figures. Even if you only have 1 thing you're good at, every stylist should let that skill give them the life of their dreams. The way I support others to achieve this, is by creating and teaching courses that are easy to understand, action oriented, and results driven. I am The CEO Stylist. Wanna join a course?

Now that was just an example...

I'll also share my bigger why which is...

I am a woman who was abandoned, abused, and struggled all my life wondering if I was keepable. I realized I am enough and full of value eventually because of all the older women around me who mentored and poured into me growing up.
As a result, I've committed my life to helping women.
How do I do so? Through songs, hair, makeup, online courses, all teaching women the same way a woman reached back and taught me.

Do you guys understand the power of your why? It drives you when you want to quit.

It drives you when you feel down. It drives you when you are stuck.

So don't take this lightly. Get quiet and understand why you want to blow up your block.
Why you want to be seen? Get people? Keep people?

We will use this to lead your message to your audience over the next 6 weeks.

Again this is not a long drawn out memoir.
Your message may not be about something that may seem heavy or 'sad' and trust no one wants to hear just a sad story they want to be uplifted!
It may be super simple.

That's perfect! Your story is just that...YOURS

Just get clear on why you chose this business!

This is KEY info in your marketing messages.

So now before tomorrow make time even if it's late at night or 4am tomorrow. Get quiet. Get Clear.

Complete and Continue  